Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The "Rock"

I am currently working my Ticket for Woodbadge, and am amazed how much it occupies my mind. Not only am I anxious to get started, I am dedicated to the ideals stressed in my ticket. It really is surprising how much this program means to me. I always was a little bit of a loner as I grew up. When I reached College, I put on a face and became a very outgoing person. It was an act. Most of the time I just wanted to be left alone. The first few years of my marriage, I was the same way. I was perfectly happy to stay hidden away at home. Once my son was born, things started to change. As he grew up, I found myself actively seeking the company of other people. Now, I find myself becoming a much more outgoing and friendly person. I don't know if this is a side-effect of Scouting, or not, but I am happy it is happening. This fall will mark 16 years that my wife and I have been married. Each day seems to be better than the one before it. It is so cool, not only is she my wife, she is also my best friend.


Sometimes I forget to tell her that as much, and as publicly as I should.

She is the rock that stabilizes my life.

I have also found myself learning that you can reach a point where enough is enough. lol. My wife has always been real good about knowing when it was time for me to have a weekend alone for some downtime. She'll just out of the blue tell me that she is going to her Mom's on such and such weekend. She and my son will go, and leave me to a weekend of no tv, and as much computer gaming as I can squeeze in. This is my way of unwinding and "resetting" myself. I game online. I have looked at my records at work, and can tell that it helps. There is always a spike in how much I get done at work right after I have had a weekend like that. See, that is one place where my wife and son, and I differ. I enjoy watching TV, but enjoy the silence more so. I am just as happy to have a good book as to watch the tube. (unless Deadliest Catch is on, lol) Just another thing that I think has been one of our greatest secrets to our survival. A very smart person once told me that the biggest thing to remember in a marriage is to never take each other for granted. Always wake up saying thank you for being here.

So here it is: THANK YOU

ok, time for this tired Scouter to go get in the bed,


Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's just an hour a week.

"It's just an hour a week." That's what alot of people think when they first decide to become a scout leader. It can be only an hour a week, but not if you care for the boys. When I first started as a leader, that was my feeling. Then I started to get to know the boys in my charge, and all of that changed. Now, 7 years later, I find myself spending more and more of my time trying to give these boys a "quality program". Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love how I am able to help these guys, and watch them grow into awesome young men. It is hard for me to comprehend how anyone could ever feel different. I find myself drawn more and more towards a more active leadership role at a district and council level. Would that be such a bad thing? That is something I am gonna have to ponder for a while.

Until next time